Mind Dump

Mind Dumps, Randomness, Reflections & Introspection

Labor Day Mind Dump

30 Aug , 2019  

Your joy is vitally important as you walk out this faith-filled life that God has designed for you. Joy shapes the miracle that God will do and ushers the presence of the Lord. Never allow offense (rather merited or not) to steal your joy. If so, the offense of yesterday could cost you your miracle and allow you to miss what Jesus is doing today.

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Leadership, Reflections & Introspection, That'll Preach Sayings, Worship & Prayer

13 things in 13 years… Leadership & Life

10 Jul , 2017  

13 things in 13 years… Leadership & Life This month marks 13 years in ministry as an adult. In the past 13 years, I have learned a lot and wanted to share with my readers and friends some of the greatest leadership principles and life lessons I’ve learned. Not by any means am I saying […]

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Reflections & Introspection, That'll Preach Sayings, Worship & Prayer

The Testing of Your Faith

21 Apr , 2016  

Posted this on Facebook last week and wanted to share it on my blog as a journal entry: “Count it all JOY, my brothers,[a] when you meet trials of various kinds, 3 for you know that the TESTING OF YOUR FAITH produces steadfastness. 4 And let steadfastness have its FULL effect, that YOU may be […]

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Leadership, Reflections & Introspection


11 Feb , 2015  

I wonder if we miss the miraculous because we fail/unwilling to do the ridiculous. Jordan Sharrett on Ridiculous Obedience 2/10/15

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Leadership, Reflections & Introspection, Student Ministry, That'll Preach Sayings

Satan Doesn’t Create

4 Jan , 2015  

Satan does not create sexual desire. It is good and he never produced anything good. His whole aim is to ruin what God created to be good. There are two ways you can ruin a pearl. You can cut it out of the oyster before it matures or you can feed it to the swine. […]

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Leadership, Randomness, Reflections & Introspection, Student Ministry, That'll Preach Sayings

The Fall Collection

4 Jan , 2015  

The Fall Collection chadveach: It’s my favorite time of the year. The fall. Here are a few quotes to help you dominate this season: 1. “People are pickled by preaching but they’re dying to see a message.” #liveit 2. “If you don’t deal with your bitterness, you’re gonna end up by yourself.” #pastorbrianquotes #forgiveness 3. […]

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Randomness, Reflections & Introspection


19 Dec , 2014  

CONFESSION: I’ve NEVER regretted serving others & generosity, not once. We [#Christians] are called to live for others in love through Jesus! Corey Gibson

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