Mind Dump

Mind Dumps, Randomness, Reflections & Introspection

Mind Dump – Life in QTR 1+ 2023

14 May , 2023  

I do a lot of retrospection, introspection, and thinking out loud. Oftentimes, it’s good for me to just get things off of my chest and out of my mind as I move forward in life. When I do this, I like to invite my readers into what’s going on in my head. So, this is a mind dump… a long mind dump. I haven’t done a mind dump in 3 years, so brace yourself.

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Leadership, Mind Dumps, Reflections & Introspection

Mid-Summer Mind Dump

25 Jul , 2015  

A lot has happened since I last gave you a mad dump.. So here we go:           PERSONAL LIFE Started a regular job (in January) working with my cousin. This has allowed me to stay financially healthy while doing Ministry. Also afforded me the opportunity to get my own car!!!  Have spent […]

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Leadership, Reflections & Introspection, That'll Preach Sayings

Faulty Gospel

8 Jan , 2015   Gallery

Let’s stop this faulty Gospel of adding Jesus to our lives.. Scripture teaches that we must lose our life and then find it it in Jesus. He makes all things New. We can’t add new Wine (Jesus, Holy Spirit) to old Wineskins (Us, in our old state). We must prepare ourselves with the help of […]

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Randomness, Reflections & Introspection


19 Dec , 2014  

CONFESSION: I’ve NEVER regretted serving others & generosity, not once. We [#Christians] are called to live for others in love through Jesus! Corey Gibson

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Guest Post, Leadership, That'll Preach Sayings


16 May , 2014  

WINNING chadveach: Who’s “winning”? In life.. who’s really winning… I keep having this thought. I keep asking this question. Is it the one with the biggest following? …. The person with the most money? Or maybe it’s whoever has mastered gluten free healthy eating and is in tip top shape (oh how I envy you) […]

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Guest Post, Leadership, Randomness, Reflections & Introspection, Student Ministry

Awkward Seesaws (5 Reasons Why There Is More To Student Ministry Than Speaking)

14 Dec , 2013  

Awkward Seesaws (5 Reasons Why There Is More To Student Ministry Than Speaking) notabouttres: First, let me start by saying I am just as guilty as the next person. At times, if student ministry were a seesaw, sermon prep and speaking would be rested on the ground while relationship/discipleship would be dangling it’s feet high […]

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17 Aug , 2013   Gallery

Someone needs to hear this… Trust God with your #life! #KnownGod #Stumin #rhonnadesigns

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