Leadership, Randomness, Reflections & Introspection, Student Ministry, That'll Preach Sayings
It’s my favorite time of the year. The fall. Here are a few quotes to help you dominate this season:
1. “People are pickled by preaching but they’re dying to see a message.”
#liveit2. “If you don’t deal with your bitterness, you’re gonna end up by yourself.”
#pastorbrianquotes #forgiveness3. “Let’s get everyone’s hope up… you can’t have faith without hope.”
#osteenquotes #hope #faith4. “There’s never a perfect time. There’s never a right time.”
#letsgo #dontdelay5. “If you can’t endure great burdens, you can’t handle great success.”
#jentezenquotes6. “The closest to Jesus are not there because of how much they love Him… but because of how much He loves them.”
#judahquotes7. “The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.”
#howtowinfriendsandinfluencepeople #bestbookever8. “TRANSPARENCY… light can only shine through something that’s transparent.”
#honesty9. “Opportunities of a lifetime must be seized in the lifetime of the opportunity.”
#letsgo #dontdelay10. “Great leaders don’t step onto great platforms, they build great platforms.”
#dustinwoodward #ABQ11. “Make your next thing your best thing.”
Brian Houston, Chad Veach, Dustin Woodward, faith, hope, Jentezen Franklin, Joy, Judah Smith
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