Randomness, Reflections & Introspection, Worship & Prayer
Tired but not knocked out It was a peaceful night outside… I laid in my bed at midnight listening to some worship music (Never Lost – Rita Springer & Catherine Mullins) on repeat. Anyone who truly knows me knows that I am a repeater – by accident and on purpose. This night, it was on purpose. I […]
Bethel Music, Catherine Mullins, COREY GIBSON, Daniel Bashta, faith, featured, God, hope, Jesus, King of My Heart, Never Lost, Pastor Corey Gibson, Prayer, Rita Springer, Screaming at God, worship
Guest Post, Randomness, Reflections & Introspection, Worship & Prayer
Guest Blogger, Lucas Lash shares his thoughts on Worship… What is worship? How and why should we even worship in the first place? Worship is a necessary part not only in church but in our very own relationships with God. Every day, each one of us worships something, whether you believe in God or not. […]
Clothing Company, featured, Lucas Lash, ministry, Urban Society Company, worship
Randomness, Reflections & Introspection, Worship & Prayer
I believe I’ve found my anthem for the year…. absolutely LOVE THIS SONG, Set My Heart by Vertical Church Band! Nothing communicates my heart in this moment and season of life than this…. “Quiet the voice of doubt again, Echo within me every promise, Let your Word be louder than my fears. Speak to the void […]
Embrace the Worship, featured, Frontiers, Jesus, Set My Heart, Vertical Church Band, worship
Leadership, Reflections & Introspection, Worship & Prayer
Matthew 15:21-28 || Mark 7:24-30 She was desperate (she cried out – Lord Have Mercy on Me) She worshipped (she knelt before his feet) She entered into a state of repentance The Bible never records her name. This woman, who is identified by her nationality, understood her status and role in life. She realize at […]
a dog and her crumbs, Canaanite Women, faith, featured, healing, Jesus, Mark 7:24-30, Matthew 15:21-28, ministry, repentance, worship
Reflections & Introspection, Worship & Prayer
Love this song… The Lord is faithful!!! Keep seeking, keep believing, keep dreaming. It will be all worth it, soon! #stumin #JesusFocused #WorthItAll #Worship
I am absolutely excited to be apart of this special night for a dear & close friend of mine.. I have witnessed his wisdom and growth as a leader/artist on a personal level. I have prayed for this night/time for over year now and so happy to see it come together. Could not be any […]
Corey Voss, God, good guy, How Great, Jesus, musician, singer, worship, Worship Leader, Worship Pastor
Some refreshing thoughts on authentic worship… hope you enjoy and embrace the worship The Whole of Me – Responding 16“To what can I compare this generation? They are like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling out to others: 17 ” ‘We played the flute for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge and you […]
Embrace the Worship, God, Holy Spirit, Jesus, More of Jesus, Our response in Worship, The Whole of Me, worship, Worship Changing the Culture