Reflections & Introspection, That'll Preach Sayings, Worship & Prayer

The Testing of Your Faith

21 Apr , 2016  

Posted this on Facebook last week and wanted to share it on my blog as a journal entry:

“Count it all JOY, my brothers,[a] when you meet trials of various kinds, 3 for you know that the TESTING OF YOUR FAITH produces steadfastness. 4 And let steadfastness have its FULL effect, that YOU may be perfect and complete, LACKING IN NOTHING. ” James 1:2-4


This perfection and completeness in life will come from a FULL dose of perseverance through the storms, loneliness, battles, and the hardships of life. In jest & jokes, we #TheStruggleIsReal, yet it is all too familiar as we suffer (usually in silence). But there is a JOY that ONLY God gives when we meet difficult situations. A joy that SPEAKS LOUDER than our woes and even our foes!

Hang in there beloved… Surround yourself with encouraging friends. Get in God’s Word as you saturate yourself in worship & prayer. You can do this and its not going to get the best of you. Your struggle as you produce perfected perseverance could be the alarm clock to someone else’s deliverance and breakthrough. #ThoughtsFromBed #Joy #Perseverance #Faith


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