Guest Post, Leadership, Reflections & Introspection
Christmas Break, Does Not Mean a Break From Ministry Many years back I met with my executive pastor who challenged me to grow the student ministry during the Christmas break. At first I pushed back saying that, “we shut down during Christmas season because most teens are off doing family things.” He then looked back […]
“The culture of death that was the driving force to the Connecticut massacre on Friday that killed 26 people, including 20 precious children is the same one that killed 3,500 babies today through abortion. We as a country celebrate "choice”. We defend it & we have made laws to protect it. Yet for some reason […]
Choice, christians, Connecticut, Connecticut School Shooting, Death, God, Jesus, School Shootings
Here’s the 2nd set of the Q&A session. Q&A Part 1 | Q&A Part 3 are now also up. Have questions??? Shoot me an email or DM me on Twitter/FB: or @meCoreyG Kelly P. from GA asks: “What’s your views on Women in Ministry, specifically youth ministry?” – Not to get in a Theological debate […]
COREY GIBSON, Jesus, Pastor Corey Gibson, QAwithCorey, stumin, youthmin
Here is the 1st set of the Q&A session from my community of FB friends, Twitter followers and #stumin/#youthmin followers… Shoot me an email or DM me on Twitter/FB, if you have any questions: or @meCoreyG Riley C. from TN asks: “Who are some of the voices pastors/preachers) you glean from?” – Currently, I […]
COREY GIBSON, God, Jesus, leadership, Pastor Corey Gibson, QAwithCorey, stumin, Youth Ministry, Youth Ministry Leadership, youthmin
When my brother and I were younger (and even now, somewhat) we were avid Wrestling fans. We (and our cousins too) would imitate all the legends… I mean Sting, Ric Flair, Randy Savage (RIP), Bret Hart, Hulk Hogan, Triple H, The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin. We were totally obsessed. And if I can […]
church, Church Leadership, Ecclesiastes 4:7-12, God, Jesus, Student Pastor, Tag Team Ministry, Team Ministry, Youth Ministry, Youth Ministry Leadership, youth pastor
Sometimes, I think about the condition of a person heart, soul and spirit as it relates to the things that motives mines. I have noticed lately, especially in the church that we have pacified and sugar-coated the Gospel (the Bible) to some mediocre story that makes us feel good and leaves us excited without revelation. […]
Bible, church, Cross, Heb 4:12, Hebrews 4:12, Jesus, Offense of the Gospel, Scandalous Gospel, Sugar-coated Gospel, Youth Ministry