Post by: Pastor Corey
I had a vision of the sky opening up with items dropping down and hanging in place. It was as if they were waiting to be picked. Vividly I could hear a voice saying “only for the hungry.” As the items became clear, it was gifts from God. It seemed like God was releasing these […]
Awhile back (November 20-21) I attended an intense 2-day conference called the Dreamers Conference. It was given by a new friend, Cory Hallett and his student ministry, RiverStone Student Ministry. Worship at the conference was led by Daniel Bashta and Jake Hamilton. It was totally insane and very intense. Love seeing students surrender to God […]
1 Then the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom.2 Five of them were foolish, and five were wise.3 For when the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them,4 but the wise took flasks of oil with their lamps.5 As the […]
Every so often the Lord begins to throw phases at me during my time of intercession and worship & this time was no different. I was in worship and here comes God is bringing reconciliation between the generations.This hit me hard, as it was something that churches have been trying to cope with – the […]
Man, what a weekend I had. I have a chance to attend one of the most powerful and unique conferences of all time, thanks to some friends of mines. The Forward Conference 2008 by Jentezen Franklin/Free Chapel was off the chains. Worship, the message and the ministry was totally amazing. We missed Thursday night, but what […]
One Prayer¦ There is the sweeping prayer movement that is about to take place, like no other. Over 550 churches, have decided to come together under 1 banner… PRAYER! If you visit, you would notice that churches from all over America, from different denominations, are being asked, “If God would answer ‘one prayer’ for […]
For the past couple of weeks, the Lord has been showing me and speaking to me about repentance in our generation. So I begin studying this thing we call repentance and came to 4 underlying fact…. that in order for there to be authentic forgiveness, there must first be sincere repentance/lamenting. Repenting and apologizing are […]
Authentic Repentance, God, Jesus, Jezebel Spirit, Love, repentance