
Seek GRACE not Title

13 Jul , 2010  

As some of you may know, July marks 5 years of me being in youth ministry as the lead guy. So over the next few blogs, I will outline 5 things I have learned in leadership. These key things have helped shape my “philosophy” in youth ministry and overall leadership, especially in the church. * no special order

  1. Seek GRACE not Title
  2. PASSION Over Production
  3. Wait At HIS Feet – Listening
  4. The “Conference HIGH” Will Leave You Wounded
  5. INVEST In Your Team

Seek GRACE, not Title = Seek JESUS not Man as Christian leaders….

Often times, we as humans are more inclined to respect people based solely on their title (Pastor, Great Conference Speaker, Main Stream Worship Leader) rather than the Heart Changed that has taken place in one’s life. And if we can be honest with ourselves – we would agree that we get “TitleStruck”; I know I used too. We’ve chased after titles so long and hard that we don’t know when it’s just a position & natural skills or a Graced Anointing release by God. Please don’t show your likeness and affinity for a leader based on their title, search for the God-given grace upon their life.

Let me make something clear, YOUR TITLE IS NOT YOUR CALLING NOR DOES IT MAKE YOU SUPERIOR ! We as leaders are called to seek Grace and Favor from God, not some title that makes us appear important. You are a Pastor because God has given you the ability to manage/direct people tenderly as they understand who they are and whose they are; not because some guy or elder/denomination board ordained you. You have been given Grace to deal with those [lost sheep/Unbelievers] who are in darkness AND those [sheep/Christians] who are in the “fold” [saved by Grace] with dirt.

If you are aspiring to become a leader and you feel God’s anointing and grace on your life… please seek that and not position. BEFORE any paper was signed and issued – you were called by Jesus. The Five-Fold Ministry described in Ephesians 4:7-16 are not titles, they were God-given gifts of Grace or Anointing to lead the body of Christ.

In my 5 years of leading a youth ministry, I have noticed that most people who seek title/position rather than Grace – when failure comes, it leads them astray, offended, and wounded. Not because of the failure, but because we held the title (or Person) on a pedestal above everything.

Lead from a place of Grace and not from a Title!

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