Guest Post, Leadership, That'll Preach Sayings
16 May , 2014
WINNING chadveach: Who’s “winning”? In life.. who’s really winning… I keep having this thought. I keep asking this question. Is it the one with the biggest following? …. The person with the most money? Or maybe it’s whoever has mastered gluten free healthy eating and is in tip top shape (oh how I envy you) […]
Chad Veach, community, grace, Jesus Is Grace, life, Pastor Chad Veach, Winning
Guest Post, Leadership, Reflections & Introspection, That'll Preach Sayings
13 May , 2014
Run After God, Not Just His Gifts meikoseymour: What does it really look like to minister to people and release the Kingdom of Heaven in churches and everyday situations? My guess is that it looks a lot like Jesus. He gives us numerous examples throughout the Gospels about what it really looks like to minister […]
Instagram Post, Leadership, That'll Preach Sayings
5 May , 2014 Gallery
Thought this was a good way to start your week off!
Guest Speaking, Instagram Post, Leadership, Student Ministry, That'll Preach Sayings
30 Apr , 2014 Gallery
Don’t compromise your anointing & gifting for the weak things of this world!!! Jesus is Better. #stumin
compromise, COREY GIBSON, Jesus, Jesus Is, Jesus Is Better, Pastor Corey Gibson, stamina
Instagram Post, Leadership, Randomness, Reflections & Introspection, That'll Preach Sayings
28 Apr , 2014 Gallery
This reminds me of Max Lucado “God love you just the way you are, but refuses to leave you that way. He wants you to be just like Jesus!”
God, God Loves you, God Loves you now, Jesus, Loves, Matt Chandler, Max Lucado, Pastor Matt Chandler
Guest Post, Leadership, That'll Preach Sayings
14 Apr , 2014
Servants can’t reproduce themselves, only leaders can! Are we building and raising leaders or just servant workers?? Pastor Johnathan (@PastorJohnathan) – student pastor at Gateway
Student Ministry, That'll Preach Sayings
14 Apr , 2014
We must not be willing to compromise the anointing for worldly and inferior things… Even if it’s what “everyone” is doing/thinking! This means relationships, sinful lifestyles, and even mere talk. He (God) has called us to Holiness, because he will make us holy, as we walk out and obey his commands.. – Lev 20:7-8 Pastor […]
Leadership, That'll Preach Sayings, Worship & Prayer
14 Apr , 2014
Any sermon that is not birthed in prayer is not a message from God no matter how learned the preacher. A.W. Tozer
Randomness, That'll Preach Sayings
14 Apr , 2014
Jesus said the proof of our desire/heart is where we place our treasure (finances, skillset, resources and time)… How’s your heart? Matt 6:21
Randomness, That'll Preach Sayings
14 Apr , 2014
If we are truly honest with ourselves.. We really need faith even in the small steps. Lord, give us FAITH for the great and the small steps! Pastor Corey (@mecoreyg)