Leadership, Reflections & Introspection, That'll Preach Sayings

The Collection: September 2017

29 Sep , 2017  

I want to start something new called The Collection. This will be a journal entry of some of the quotes, tweets and statuses that have wrecked my over the past month. I will try to jot them down and let you in on the insight God is speaking to me. Some will be from well-known people, some are friends of mine but ALL are worthy of mentioning and deeper soul-processing.

“Life is all about Jesus and his love for you. Can you think of anything more amazing than that?” – @JudahSmith

Jesus is the centrality of all of life. You and I are the focus of his affection. NOTHING is more crucial or critical in all of life. The thoughts, joy, and love he has for us are greater than anything we could ever imagine.

“Make room for God in your life… He’s about to do something greater than you can imagine and better than you deserve.” – @chadcveach

This ministered to me about carving out “God space” in my life so that God can invade. The things he wants to do is great then I can ever dream of and better than what I needed. He is up to something big

“Suffering is not an obstacle to you being used by God. It is an opportunity to be used like never before.” – @LeviLusko

As if to say, enjoy the suffering Corey, it’s a part of the process of utilization.

“We have been called by an eternal God to do something that will outlast us.” @RealJohnGray 

The things God wants to do in and through me will outlast me. So its not just momentary its everlasting.

“Failure to honor those that have poured into you neglects the seed. Neglected seed negates harvest.”  –@theretropastor

Deep. If I ever fail to honor people who have invested in me, I have essentially neglected the harvest the Lord was trying to spring up. This is why we have to cherish every seed that is planted in us so that we can cherish the harvest when it manifests. ***May need a separate journal on this one alone

“You can’t choose your storm but you can choose your spirit.” – @richwilkersonjr

While the storms of life are not by choice… my stance, attitude, and spirit are. How I choose to endure the storm is solely in my hands. Will I leverage the storm to my advantage?


As a church, we are about God’s Kingdom and not the political systems of this world. Our heartbeat and movement is of kingdom authority.

“God isn’t building his kingdom, he’s building his church. And the church is expanding his kingdom!” – @JasonDaughdrill

The mission of the church is to expand the Kingdom of God. God’s Kingdom is already built and is now being enlarged by the church that he is building. Remain faithful to the Master Architect in the process of construction.

“Comparison is the Thief of Joy” – @robertmadu

Stop the games of comparison… its a thief and robber of your joy. Joy in who I am and what I am doing dispels comparison.

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