Leadership, Reflections & Introspection, That'll Preach Sayings

The Collection: October 2017

1 Nov , 2017  

The Collection

A journal entry of some of the quotes, tweets and statuses that have wrecked my over the past month. I will try to jot them down and let you in on the insight God is speaking to me. Some will be from well-known people, some are friends of mine but ALL are worthy of mentioning and deeper soul-processing.

“Talent and charisma may get you there, BUT integrity and character will KEEP you there!” – @jcworley

Reminds me that my character matters more than my skills and personality. How well I live out the character of my life, speaks greater volumes to keep me in line and aligned. I am reminded of Joseph everytime I hear the word integrity or character. (Psalms 105:19)

“In scripture, God repeatedly shows us the assigned vein connected directly to His heart. This vein is JESUS and all things flow through Him.” – @jcworley

Just pierced…. stay connected to the vein!

“Reminded today that our adversity can be our advantage. May our opposition and resistance cause us to rise and soar to new heights.” – @JasonTLaird

The people that rise against you, are there to make sure you rise up (shoutout to the Falcons). Maybe to adversity plays a bigger role in our promotion than we wish to give credit to. #EmbraceTheResistance

“Unity values togetherness over preference.” – @isaacgross

There is by far no better statement for our culture today than these words. It (Unity) is the pressing prayer of Jesus before his ascension to heaven. We need unity not just as a nation but as believers and followers of Christ Jesus. Burn the preferences, and build together.

“Small minded leaders bash other leaders. BIG leaders promote other leaders, of all sizes, even those “more popular” than them.” – @chrisdurso

Much needed wisdom for leaders no matter the sphere of influence or sector. This will be the test to see if one goes to the next level of leadership

“Speak to people’s heart way before you decide to speak to their actions.” – @LandonPickering

THIS is for everybody — pastor, young preacher, Christian, children’s volunteer, usher, and accountant. A leader told me a long time ago that… “relationship earns me the right to speak into people’s life.”

“The love of God compels us.” Oh to live motivated, compelled, and controlled by the Love of God alone.” – @billyhumphrey1

The radical love of God pushes us forward… this is the mandate to live by. All we do is from and by an overflowing love from God. Live in the overflow.

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