Leadership, Reflections & Introspection, Worship & Prayer
Matthew 15:21-28 || Mark 7:24-30 She was desperate (she cried out – Lord Have Mercy on Me) She worshipped (she knelt before his feet) She entered into a state of repentance The Bible never records her name. This woman, who is identified by her nationality, understood her status and role in life. She realize at […]
a dog and her crumbs, Canaanite Women, faith, featured, healing, Jesus, Mark 7:24-30, Matthew 15:21-28, ministry, repentance, worship
Leadership, Reflections & Introspection, Worship & Prayer
So awesome and honored to be featured on @mywhytv – thankful to partner with them to spread the Gospel! Go check it out!!! www.mywhytv.com #JESUS #JesusFocused #leadership #mywhy
Leadership, Student Ministry, Worship & Prayer
So awesome to be a part of & witness this last night seeing students gather under ONE Banner, JESUS! A worship gathering – across the city, across churches, across denominations – ONE body. Praying to see more of this for our generation and the next! Thanks @pmattray @realstudentstv for hosting. Great word, worship and community! […]
Randomness, Student Ministry, Worship & Prayer
peterdwebb: Was great to meet up with Corey and hearing his heart for youth. Welcome to Kalamazoo, brother! @awakenthisheart So good meeting you as well!!
Reflections & Introspection, Worship & Prayer
This has been my personal motto & heartcry for most of my #Ministry life… “Wherever God is leading, I’m following!” He sent me to TN and now to MI… #WhereYouGoIGo #JourneyWithJesus #EnjoyTheJourney
Leadership, Student Ministry, Worship & Prayer
@aliveandfreeyouth #Kalamazoo Fall Kick-off is tomorrow night.. Invited/Bring your friends. Doors open at 6:30pm, service at 7pm – The River Church. #AliveAndFree #StudentMinistry #Stumin (at The River)
Reflections & Introspection, Worship & Prayer
Had this song on repeat while walking.. Got me thinking how much I need the Lord to Breathe on the desires of my heart and promises over my life. I’m at the constant need of his tender breath freely blowing and whispering my name. Even our World needs his breath to fall afresh again!! I […]
breathofgod, inwrathremembermercy, revival, tookalap, walking
Prayer has the power to make ordinary men and women, extraordinary!!! Will you pray?? #JesusFocused #JesusFocusedProject #YourPrayersMatters #stumin
jesusfocused, jesusfocusedproject, stumin, yourprayersmatters
Leadership, Reflections & Introspection, Worship & Prayer
Can’t wait to release more information on this!!! #JesusFocused #JesusFocusedProject #ComingSoon #stumin
Reflections & Introspection, Worship & Prayer
Love this song… The Lord is faithful!!! Keep seeking, keep believing, keep dreaming. It will be all worth it, soon! #stumin #JesusFocused #WorthItAll #Worship