Randomness, Reflections & Introspection, Student Ministry
Young Person, the Bible is very clear that respect/honor for parents & leaders goes beyond a blessed/happy life… It’s a LIFE itself! God has NEVER blessed/rewarded a person who didn’t respect/honor their parents..NEVER! Actually the opposite happened! #stumin Pastor Corey (@mecoreyg)
Guest Post, Leadership, Randomness, Reflections & Introspection, Student Ministry
Awkward Seesaws (5 Reasons Why There Is More To Student Ministry Than Speaking) notabouttres: First, let me start by saying I am just as guilty as the next person. At times, if student ministry were a seesaw, sermon prep and speaking would be rested on the ground while relationship/discipleship would be dangling it’s feet high […]
church, life, seesaw, student ministry, stumin, Youth Ministry
This is happening tomorrow… Be there with friends!!! #stumin more info: http://awakenthisheart.com (at The Ridge At Shelbyville)