Leadership, Reflections & Introspection, That'll Preach Sayings, Worship & Prayer
At the Feet: ONE THING is needed
The greatest account in the Bible concerning leadership, our time with God and wholeheartedly surrendering is found in Luke 10…
“Martha, Martha,“ the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:41-42 (NIV)
Martha was so concerned with the busyness of life and making preparations for Jesus that she didn’t even think twice about the Messiah being in her house. She begged Jesus to command Mary to help her, but Jesus gave Martha a simple answer and rebuke… “One thing is needed, and Mary has chosen what was better – it will never be taken away from her”
That “one thing” can be found in verse 39 (“Mary who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what He said.”) she simply SAT at JESUS’ FEET and LISTENED. What humility and brokenness to sit at the feet of Jesus… to surrender all that she had planned, all that was worrying her, and all of life’s busyness – and place it at his feet, merely to just listen. The Bible doesn’t records if she spoke and or ask questions, but it does tell us that she was there listening. And that my friends, will NEVER be taken away from her.
This reminds me of something that Jesus says in Matthew
Sermon on the Mount: Beatitudes – Matthew 5:3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven”
Poor in spirit: are humble and meek. When you are poor in spirit you understand that your need for Christ outweighs your natural needs. That through you being poor, humility has filled your life so much that you begin to realize that you are weak, worthless and in desperate need of nourishment from the only one who can sustain you forever, JESUS. They are humble and lowly in their own eyes. There is no resource on earth that can solve their problem. The problem – they love darkness, sin, and wickedness. The only option is that they must submit and surrender… simply kneeling at the feet of Jesus, just listening. This is a process and it will last forever until time of the Bridegroom’s return.
Mary (Martha/Lazarus sister) is mentioned 3 times in the Gospel’s account. Every time Mary is mentioned, she was always found at Jesus’ feet. Her experiences there can teach us some valuable lessons about our own walk with the Lord.
We must cultivate and nourish a lifestyle of prayer, fasting, worship, and studying our bibles… it must be the main priority of our day. I urge you to wholeheartedly carve out time in your own schedule where you are seeking God, and spending quality time with Him… growing your Spirit. It will never be taken away from you – for you have done the one thing that is needed.
Jesus, Jesus' Feet, Luke 10:38-42, Martha, Mary, Mary of Bethany, One Desire, One thing is needed, poor in spirit, The Feet of Jesus
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