Core Values in ministry is so important, as it reveals our focus, passions, and what we believe is the important things of our Christian life!
Here is our Ministry Stance on our 6 Core Values….
- Jesus Centered: We are a Bible believing; Jesus focused and centered Student Ministry. Jesus is the ONE we worship, love and Gospel we teach/preach. He is the only truth, way to salvation and hope in life. We give him preeminence as he has all authority and power. Acts 17:2-3 | Colossians 1:15-23; 2:2-10; 3:1-4 | John 1:1-18; 14:1-14 | Luke 2:36-38
- Holy Spirit Driven: We are under the Leadership of the Holy Spirit as we walk out this God-ordained life. We leave plenty of room for the Holy Spirit to move through our services and lives as he deals with the Hearts of Men. The Holy Spirit is alive as a person to Counsel, Convict, & Comfort Us. Acts 1:1-8; 2 | John 14:15-31; 16:5-15 | Luke 24:49
- Authentic Prayer/Worship: “…My house shall be called a house of Prayer!” “… true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit & truth…” These words will reign true in our Student Ministry as we go forth to Love God, and Love People. Everything we do will be saturated in Prayer. We will have focused Worship times as we Glorify our King, Jesus. Also, as a part of Worship and Prayer we will have fasting. When we combine these things, we win! Ephesians 5:18-21 | Mark 11:17, 24-25 | 2 Chronicles 7:14-15 | Isaiah 56:7 |John 4:23-24
- Disciples Making Disciples: This is the Ultimate Mission of the Church, to make disciples who then turn and make more disciples. Teaching People the Word of the Lord, and Baptizing them. Matthew 28:16-20 | Mark 16:14-20
- Community: We will be a Student Ministry focused on building community and fellowship with one another and our neighborhood. Romans 15:1-7; 12:13 | Acts 2:42-47; 4:32-37 | 1 Peter 4:8-11|Micah 6:8
- Revivalist: We make no mistake about it… We are seeking and wanting revival in our community, church, nation and ultimately the world. We are eagerly pursuing the Lord to bring his Heart to us and we give him ours. We know that in order for Revival to happen, it must first start in our own lives/heart. Revivalists are Forerunners, with the End-Time message of Jesus. Habakkuk 3:2 | Malachi 3:1-7; 4:5-6 | Isaiah 40:3-4; 62 | Luke 1:1-25, 67-80
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