Haven’t done one of these in a very long time… this will be a transparent & vulnerable posting.
- Back in September, I resigned and stepped down from my position at a church for several reason with the main one being to pursue getting back into Student Ministry after a stint as an Associate Pastor. It was a painful experience of leaving a church and people that I loved, but knowing God was doing MORE with me. A decision that up until December I semi-regretted, which is big because I’m a person that lives life without regrets. As I move forward, I will always be thankful for my time there. There is so much more I would like to say, but I will save that for a later blog – maybe even a BOOK!!!
- In a season of my life with all that has transpired over the last few month there were times of fear (moving forward, nay-sayers), loss of friendship/closeness of friends, lack of calling/anointing, tiredness, and frustration. I have always preached/said that ministry is NOT for the weak at heart. There will be times of loneliness, regret, fear, joy, favor and fun. The attitude you keep during these times are important. The people & friends who speak into your life matters as well. Keep believing, keep praying and stay encouraged. “It’s in the place of obscurity where Jesus develops you.. the real you!” – Pastor Jason Laird
- Had a great time back in TN for 3 weeks visiting friends, going to a Live Album Recording and lastly attending a friend’s Wedding. Was great to just get away without an expectation or guilt
- Thankful for some open opportunities coming up with possible FT ministry positions and speaking engagements. I am grateful for every interview, email and phone conversation which brings me one step closer. I also love spending time networking with some pastors. If you know of churches hiring, let me know.
- This past week, I started working at a regular job. YAY God!!! Absolutely thankful to work, while waiting on the right church the Lord has for me. I’m totally depending on God
- Checkout my last blog about Friendship called “Soul Ties: A Call to Friendship”.. Also the plan is to blog at least once a month. We will see how that goes.
- Things I’ve been focused on in prayer: God’s favor, wisdom and influence in this generation. The right church, spouse, & friends/ministry partners! Praying for blessings in My Finances and a renewed mind & vision
- I am planning on taking a break from social media for awhile so that I can focus on things that matter most. I have gotten side-tracked with likes, followers and social contacts. While connecting is great, I want to focus on me. So if you are in need of getting in touch with me, just shoot me a text/call or email – corey@awakenthisheart.com. I don’t have a set time frame on coming back, so it will be as the Lord leads.
This scripture has wrecked & pierced me this entire week.. “Until the time came to fulfill his dreams, the Lord tested Joseph’s character.” – Psalm 105:19 /// with all the dreams in my heart and promises over my life, I am still in the waiting stage till the Lord fulfill them BUT he is testing and teaching me about my character. What you do between the Promise and the Payoff is absolutely critical. How will you be found during the meantime of obscurity & greatness?
“Until the time came to fulfill his dreams, the LORD TESTED Corey’s character.”
COREY GIBSON, Jesus, mind dump, ministry, Pastor Corey Gibson
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